Progress on the Featherston Landscape Architecture Project

Last week the VUW Architecture and Design students presented, in Wellington, their ideas for Featherston and the Lake. This was attended by some people from Featherston. Members of the Featherston Ratepayers and Residents Association and the Chair of the Featherston Community Board. I was unable to attend. The photos up on FaceBook look every exciting. You can see their FaceBook page: Featherston Landscape Architecture Project.


The #FeatherstonZenGarden remains empty. 


New art installation

This arrived on Thursday. I think it was Thursday. I first saw it on Thursday.


After the last few days of wind and rain and hail I’m actually quiet surprised its still there. I know nothing about it. I will be an ass and assume its just waiting there for the next stage of transport. To where ever that maybe. Although I really hope that the #FeatherstonZenGarden is not it’s final location.

Perhaps it _is_ art. of some form. Or potential art.

What ever it is, I’m glad our main street empty lot is so useful for the company involved. Although if I were them I would not leave it there too long just in case the Council try to start charging some sort of fees.


So, there is this thing called Notification. It seams to happen when somebody like Council? want to change or add in a significant way to Public property. Say putting a building on Council land that is zoned a park, or some such. I’m a little vague on the details. I cannot easily find anything in the Local Government Act. But I’ve been sick with the flu so I’m a little off my game.

The movement of the BottleO onto the site proposed has not been Notified.

Notification, as far as I can tell, gives the public time to object to the placement of any such building.

But its not been done in this case. No explanation as to why, but that’s been the theme of this pony show all along.

So the BottleO is going in a place where no one closely involved actually wants it. There has been no Notification process to allow public address or opinion and only one Community Board member seamed concerned by this.

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions…