So the land has been sold. It’s been over a year since the sign went up. I’ve been really busy doing other stuff, like University and NOT being on the Community Board. I’m sure we are all waiting with excitement to see what happens. Frankly I’m more excited about fiber going in around town.

I love how a path has developed between the Squircle and the parking lot. A great example of people’s adaptability.

Anyway. I’ve got other things to get one with. I will however be very interested once they start digging, just to see what the rocks are like under the surface.

I wish the Squircle was used more.

Catch up

Since the Library idea things have moved on. While some people saw the vision of a Booktown having a library in the middle.

The Council held a workshop for Councillors and the Featherston Community Board. At that workshop some ideas were recorded and it was decided that the Featherston Community Board, the Featherston Ward Councillors and the Mayor would form a project team and find out from the Community what they wanted.

What came out of multiple workshops, a public meeting and public feedback was that the Community wanted retails shops. And so the 57 Fitzherbert Street Committee was formed from Featherston Ward Councillors and the Featherston Community Board Chair. Terms of reference have been agreed to.

SWDC staff are clearing the easements and completing the legal requirements to get the land ready for sale.

We are waiting.

I am hopeful.

A new idea

On 17 November 2018 I put a new proposal for the vacant lot to the Mayor and Councillors of SWDC. I then spoke about it at the Extraordinary Council meeting on 21 November.

Proposal as follows;

I propose the Council constructs a two storey building on the portion of the site which is northwest of the Chorus duct, gravel the Chorus duct, and construct a rock garden and public seating on the southeast portion of the site.

The two storey building should contain a library and associated amenities on the bottom floor, and council office space and associated amenities on the top floor:

  • On the bottom floor, a new Featherston library, including an information desk.

  • On the top floor, space for council staff and a meeting room.

  • I do not expect to house all the Council Staff in this location, but any specific to Featherston, and at least a whole team.

The chorus duct should be gravelled so it can be accessed when and if needed. Gravelling is the easiest and cheapest way to limit or avoid future issues with this easement.

Southeast of the Chorus duct, construct additional easy to maintain public space, e.g. a rock inspired courtyard like a Japanese rock garden. It can be used as additional space for the Town Square, and outdoor seating space for people having lunch.

There is already $10,000 set aside from the LTP 2018-28 budget for a feasibility study. This money could potentially be used for this idea, provided it included the library.

This proposal is based on my experience on the Community Board and the Wairarapa Library Service Joint Committee. It is an updated version of my Town Square proposal in 2015, also including new information based on communication with various members of the Community.

What does this proposal solve?

  • Featherston library space issues

  • council building space with expanding council staff numbers

  • wind issues when using the town square

  • staffing and opening hours of the information centre

  • additional commercial space

  • ratepayer morale

  • sharing economic advantages

Why do I think we should decentralise / separate out Council?

Working in different locations is very common in Central Government. It brings teams of people into locations they would not normally work. By spreading out the teams in Council, all three towns will benefit from their presence, both economically (coffees, lunches, and shopping) and by boosting local morale by increasing easier access to Council staff in each town.

Keeping a meeting room in each location and equipping it with modern teleconferencing equipment will allow easy communication between office spaces and give an opportunity for locals to use teleconferencing facilities in their businesses.

Why include the Information Centre?

I suggest this is important based on the example of the Carterton Library. There, one desk acts as a front desk for the Library, council reception for staff based in the building, as well as the Events Centre and the Information Centre. The latter keeps up to date information for events both in Carterton and around the Wairarapa.


This seems to be the most reasonable solution for the range of issues, including the maintaining of volunteers, its opening hours and its ability to provide professional services, which are currently challenging the Information Centre.


Other Benefits

A building in the proposed location would also provide a wind barrier for the Town Square, making that space more pleasant to be in during high wind.

A Japanese rock garden aligns well with several aspects of Featherston’s character and history, and would be relatively easy to maintain.

What about the empty library building and the Old Courthouse?

I suggest that they be maintained by council, but leased out for commercial space. This would provide at least two additional shop spaces in a part of the main street with currently few shops. It would also provide an income for the council that could go towards keeping those buildings maintained.

While I’m fond of this proposal I can see that it would benefit from some minor adjustments.

I just want to get it out there so its not forgotten as the Featherston’s Vacant Lot Project Team gathers ideas.

new arrivals on the vacant lot

Over the last month the Zen Garden has had some random yet interesting additions.

Firstly a row of white rocks painted with semaphore and red crosses.

Then a rock by the telecommunications marker.


Then a very large rock appeared one night.


A week after that, a bit of a statement.

Then a face on the fence.


Then a word on a rock.



It’s nice to see that the vacant lot is being used. I’m hopeful this is the beginning of a movement, or maybe I’m getting my hopes up.

Whatever is happening it has certainly got people talking.

Catching up

On April 17 a press release from the SWDC announced that the planned development on the main street, in what remains of the Zen Garden, was withdrawn by the developers.

This as you can imagine set of a flurry of activity. Of which, I ended up being involved with.

In summary:

  • The Community came forward and demanded an explanation.
  • A public meeting was set up with a facilitator, Mayor, Councillors and CEO.
  • Apologies were made and assurances given.


What has happened since?

A report was written about how the development came to be withdrawn. This report was assessed by and independent Commissioner. Please have a read.

We are waiting for the conclusions of negotiations with Chorus…

We still have a space that is unusable and not developed. I’m sure while all this argie-bargie is going on it could be used for something.

I’ve suggested putting a gravel surface on it so at least we can run car boot sales or do some gap filler type activity. But no one was interested. I’m disappointed at some peoples complete lack of initiative.

It’s coming into Spring and Summer will be here soon and with that people will be looking again at the vacant lot and wonder for the 5th summer since the buildings came down, why hasn’t anything being done? This time it’s not all the Council’s fault. I gave the key people the opportunity for something to be done, all they had to do was say yes, but fear got in the way. Fear of making a mistake or fear of being seen to be helping the Council, or fear of the unknown or maybe it was just a lack of vision.

Maybe it’s harder being courageous and wrong, than cautious and right.

But when have I ever done anything cautious and right.


Development falls through…

The shingle pit/zen garden or whatever we are calling it now is back in the media. The deal has fallen through, the developers have pulled out and the Council is left with the land and a very angry Community.

There are so many rumours flying about it’s beginning to look like a conspiracy, or at least trying to grow wings like one.

WTA pg 1 & 4, Wed, April 18, 2018

WTA pg 3, Thu, April 19, 2018

Yes, I’m very very disappointed the development didn’t go through.

Yes, I’m asking questions to the Council on what happened and what can be put in place to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

But I don’t want the land to stay fallow for another 8 years while assurances are made that something isn’t coming.

Nothing for us, without us.