Catching up

On April 17 a press release from the SWDC announced that the planned development on the main street, in what remains of the Zen Garden, was withdrawn by the developers.

This as you can imagine set of a flurry of activity. Of which, I ended up being involved with.

In summary:

  • The Community came forward and demanded an explanation.
  • A public meeting was set up with a facilitator, Mayor, Councillors and CEO.
  • Apologies were made and assurances given.


What has happened since?

A report was written about how the development came to be withdrawn. This report was assessed by and independent Commissioner. Please have a read.

We are waiting for the conclusions of negotiations with Chorus…

We still have a space that is unusable and not developed. I’m sure while all this argie-bargie is going on it could be used for something.

I’ve suggested putting a gravel surface on it so at least we can run car boot sales or do some gap filler type activity. But no one was interested. I’m disappointed at some peoples complete lack of initiative.

It’s coming into Spring and Summer will be here soon and with that people will be looking again at the vacant lot and wonder for the 5th summer since the buildings came down, why hasn’t anything being done? This time it’s not all the Council’s fault. I gave the key people the opportunity for something to be done, all they had to do was say yes, but fear got in the way. Fear of making a mistake or fear of being seen to be helping the Council, or fear of the unknown or maybe it was just a lack of vision.

Maybe it’s harder being courageous and wrong, than cautious and right.

But when have I ever done anything cautious and right.